Let’s explore the unique world of epiphytes—plants that are perfect for low-maintenance aquariums and creative aquascaping. In this video, we’ll cover:

  • Why plants like Anubias, Java Fern, and Bucephalandra are so popular. 
  • How to attach rhizome plants to rocks or driftwood.
  • Tips for caring for slow-growing plants like Bolbitis, including their light and nutrient needs.
  • A closer look at micro ferns.
  • Bryophytes explained: mosses, liverworts, and their growth habits.
  • Top mosses for aquascaping, like Flame Moss, Weeping Moss, Java Moss, and Fissiden Moss.
  • How liverworts like Riccia fluitans can add unique textures to your tank (and why they can be tricky).

By the end, you’ll have everything you need to create a lush, thriving underwater jungle! 🌿