Coral Essentials Cve+


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6 in stock


In keeping with our goal of simple reefing we developed our Coral Essentials CVE+ with all aquarium owners in mind.  Formulated with a special mix of our Chroma+, Vibrance+ and Energy+ products, blended perfectly to give you an all-in-one marine aquarium additive like no other. Keeping all the same magic qualities and amazing results of the individual bottles, but in a convenient single dosage formula that sure packs a punch for any marine aquarium. Nothing gives your tank a colour boost like Chroma+, nothing gives your tank an activity boost like Vibrance+, nothing gives your tank a feeding boost like Energy+. Dosing the best made easy, just for you.​

Please note does NOT need to be stored in the refrigerator after opening.

Available in 500 ml and 2.75L.

Dosage rate:

LPS / Soft Coral Heavily Stocked - 2ml / 100L / day

Mixed Reef Heavily Stocked - 4ml / 100L / day

SPS Dominant Heavily Stocked - 6ml / 100L / day

 If you are looking to dose via dosing pumps we recommend to dose directly out of the CVE+ bottles the product is manufactured in.  If you want to use your own dosing containers then please make sure they are sterilised before placing the CVE+ inside the container.  As CVE+ can be affected by light, please do not use a clear dosing container. Alternatively you can place in the aquarium sump compartment if there is no light.  If lighting a refugium in the sump then please use a dark dosing container, or the original container, when placed in the sump compartment.