Hikari Bio Pure Frozen Discus Food 100g

By Hikari

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A mixture of various ingredients which are intended to replace beefheart as the discus' main diet. This stick technology has become popular recently with other brands, but the fact is Hikari�has been using this technology for almost 2 decades because it can offer a complete blend of all the ingredients in one easy to digest stick.

A Unique Food Offering

  • A formed stick that offers the complete nutrient package with each bite
  • Perfectly sized to allow discus of all ages to readily consume
  • A combination of natural protein sources and vitamins most other brands cannot duplicate readily
  • Easy to use "no touch�" cubes make measured feeding a snap

Proprietary Processes Help Us Offer Unsurpassed Quality

  • 3 Step Sterilized for safety
  • Free of harmful parasites and bacteria or foul odor
  • Multi-step cleansing process offers the world's cleanest frozen foods available today
  • Ingredients gut-loaded with Bio-Encapsulated Multi-Vitamins to offer better than live food nutrition
  • Our proprietary Mega-Power Freezer helps us lock in all the nutrition your fish need while maintaining the natural color, taste and texture
  • Hi-tech and highly automated packing machines allow us to maintain the integrity of the animal and avoid pieces and parts common with competitive products