A mixture of various ingredients which are intended to replace beefheart as the discus' main diet. This stick technology has become popular recently with other brands, but the fact is Hikari�has been using this technology for almost 2 decades because it can offer a complete blend of all the ingredients in one easy to digest stick.
A Unique Food Offering
- A formed stick that offers the complete nutrient package with each bite
- Perfectly sized to allow discus of all ages to readily consume
- A combination of natural protein sources and vitamins most other brands cannot duplicate readily
- Easy to use "no touch�" cubes make measured feeding a snap
Proprietary Processes Help Us Offer Unsurpassed Quality
- 3 Step Sterilized for safety
- Free of harmful parasites and bacteria or foul odor
- Multi-step cleansing process offers the world's cleanest frozen foods available today
- Ingredients gut-loaded with Bio-Encapsulated Multi-Vitamins to offer better than live food nutrition
- Our proprietary Mega-Power Freezer helps us lock in all the nutrition your fish need while maintaining the natural color, taste and texture
- Hi-tech and highly automated packing machines allow us to maintain the integrity of the animal and avoid pieces and parts common with competitive products

Hikari Bio Pure Frozen Discus Food 100g